
Trasib > Contacts

Regione Umbria – Servizio Sviluppo rurale e Agricoltura sostenibile
Via Mario Angeloni, 63 – 06124 Perugia (PG)
Giampietro Primieri
Tel. 075 504 5035

3A Parco Tecnologico Agroalimentare dell’Umbria Soc. Cons. A.R.L.
Area Innovazione e Ricerca
Fraz. Pantalla – 06059 TODI (PG)

Mauro Gramaccia
Tel. 075 895 7230

Andrea Massoli
Tel. 075 895 7233

Francesca Moretti
Tel. 075 895 7230

3A – PTA has been operating for over 20 years to ensure the improvement and maintenance of the quality of agricultural and agri-food products. It is characterized by its high specialization and by the possibility of providing a wide range of services, directly – through 3A – or through the other operating companies.
In harmony with the planning and the guidelines identified by the regional, national and community legislator and as an operational tool of the Umbria Region, 3A – PTA proposes itself as a subject capable of synthesizing the proposals and making them available to agricultural and agri-food companies present on the market in the form of services:
quality certification, food safety and consumer protection
high education and innovative professional profiles
innovation and research for business support and technology transfer
definition of partnerships for international projects
information, marketing and promotion

3A-Parco Tecnologico Agroalimentare dell’Umbria has been commissioned by the Region of Umbria to coordinate the activities of the “Biodiversity Conservation Service” in close technical-scientific collaboration with the Department of Applied Biology and the Department of Agronomic and Environmental Sciences of the Faculty of Agriculture of the University of Perugia.
The actions undertaken concern various areas of intervention:
prospecting and research campaigns on the territory in order to identify new accessions of germplasm;
securing the material by inserting it, as appropriate, in the different sections of the Germplasm Bank of the Umbria Region.
initiatives aimed both at the characterization and study of the recovered varieties, and at their enhancement and promotion.