Resource sale
Resources (varieties and breeds) at risk of genetic erosion present in the company:
Resources (varieties and breeds) at risk of genetic erosion present in the company:
Resource sale
Company visits
The Alessandro Mazzuoli Agricultural Company extends in the Municipality of Città della Pieve on the gentle hills overlooking the lakes of Chiusi and Trasimeno and consists of an area of about 50 hectares divided into two corporate bodies. The main building, where the business center is located, is in Voc. Cibottola.
Since spring 2014 – the entire company has been converted to ORGANIC0 and since then all the company’s land has been cultivated with organic farming methods. Since 2017 the company has been certifying its products with the EU “Organic” brand.
In addition to the vineyards and olive groves, in 2002 the cultivation of saffron was introduced into the company, adhering since its establishment to the Consortium for the Protection and Promotion of “Il Croco di Pietro Perugino – Saffron of Città della Pieve” (product included in the register of products traditional food of Umbria). In 2016, the cultivation of Aglione della Valdichiana began, which is a local variety of Allium ampeloprasum var. Holmense (Mill.) Asch. et Graebn. typical of the Val di Chiana, included in the register of traditional agri-food products filed with the Ministry. This with a view to enhancing and safeguarding some plant species once widespread in the area but now almost disappeared. Suggestive walks in the countryside surrounding the company are organized for trekking lovers. Several routes have been identified, both of which are easy to follow.
In 2015 “La Casa dello Zafferano” was created which is the company’s sales point located in the heart of the historic center of Città della Pieve, in Corso Vannucci 31. In its basement, once used as a cellar, a space was created where through an educational / cultural path, through images and audiovisuals, the visitor is accompanied along the thread of the history and culture of Saffron and other company products such as the Valdichiana aglione.