Resource sale
Resources (varieties and breeds) at risk of genetic erosion present in the company:
Resources (varieties and breeds) at risk of genetic erosion present in the company:
Resource sale
Company visits
Resource transformation
The Trasimeno Fishermen Cooperative was established on 23 September 1928 with the aim of improving the economic conditions and the quality of life of the fishermen members.
Made up of a workforce of at least fifty people, it defines itself as the guardian of a naturalistic environment such as Lake Trasimeno; a fragile but at the same time magical ecosystem in which the fishing partners live in perfect symbiosis and harmony, protecting their balance through fully sustainable fishing.
Faced with its recent 90th birthday, the old Cooperativa Pescatori del Trasimeno has been able to relaunch and renew its skills by aiming at the completion of the production chain by opening its own Locanda dei Pescatori where it is possible to taste the products of the lake.